
There are many skin care beauty food with anti-oxidation function, can delay your skin aging, keep you young. Without side effects like expensive cosmetics to you, here to recommend several antioxidant food, daily consumption can keep you young and beautiful Brazil real estate for sale!
Eight food, anti aging
1, olive
From leaves to fruits, olive body can be extracted from the skin care cream. Olive leaf extract can help skin cells against oxidative pollution, ultraviolet and pressure induced, but the olive fruit contains another powerful antioxidant phenolic compounds, it combined with the olive bitter elements, provides double antioxidant protection.
2, cherry
Cherry juice can help facial skin whitening ruddy, Phytosome clear spot, is the most loved many whitening products. Cherry is not only rich in vitamin C, but also extremely rich in iron, is 13 times of hawthorn, Apple's 20 times. In addition to high iron content, it also contains the balance of cortical secretion, delaying aging vitamin A, help activate cells, beautify skin.
3, the red pomegranate
Jiaoyanyudi red pomegranate has been shown to have strong antioxidant effect. It contains a component called ellagic acid, can make the cell from the environment pollution, UV rays harm, trophoblastic cells, slow the aging body. Research has shown that, ellagic acid in the radiation than the red wine and green tea polyphenols contained in more "".
4, grapefruit
Research confirms, the smell of grapefruit can make a woman look 6 years younger than the average male. Now, grapefruit contains a citric acid has been widely used in skin care field. This ingredient can help the skin cell metabolism and excretion, so that the skin smooth reply, reproduction brilliance.
5, cucumber
Cucumber is rich in human growth and development and life activities necessary for a variety of sugars and amino acids, and rich in vitamins, to provide sufficient nutrients for the skin, muscle, which can effectively combat skin aging, reduce wrinkles. Contained abundant acid, can clean whitening the skin, eliminating sunburn and freckles, relieve skin allergies.
6, grape
It contains a lot of grape polyphenol, has the oxidation resistance function, can block the proliferation of free gene, effectively retard aging; it also contains tannic acid, citric acid, has a strong convergence effect and soft and moisturizing effect. In addition, grape fruit contains vitamin B3 and rich in minerals, deep moisturizing, anti-aging and promote skin cell renewal.
7, carrot
Carrots are rich in pectin substances, can be combined with mercury, so that the body of harmful components can be discharged, the skin looks more delicate rosy. It contains beta carotene, the antioxidant and can whiten the skin, prevent melanin precipitation, and can remove excess skin keratinocytes. It also contains the antioxidant can not be less vitamin E.
8, lemon
Lemon contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and other nutrients. In addition, also contain organic acids, citric acid rich, has the very strong antioxidant activity, promote skin the new supersedes the old., anti-aging and inhibiting pigmentation and so very effective.


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